Robeco launches equity fund that integrates technology, demographics and environment

Robeco launches equity fund that integrates technology, demographics and environment

Archivo - Karin van Baardwijk, CEO of Robeco.

Manager Robeco announced this Tuesday the launch of the ‘Global Multi-Thematic’ strategy, a megatrend equity fund that integrates technology, sociological changes and the protection of the planet.

The strategy, based on the ‘MegaTrends’ fund launched a decade ago, aims to capture the upside potential of strong themes and, at the same time, mitigate downside risk, the firm explained in a press release.

“The strategy uses a systematic and dynamic investment process that allocates and scales its exposure to the most promising themes and underlying companies,” explains a statement about the vehicle, which is run by three managers and two investment analysts. A support network of company themed ambassadors.

The appeal of this type of vehicle is that the total global assets under management of thematic variable income currently exceed 400,000 million euros and are expected to have an annual growth of more than 10%, the manager argued.

For his part, Ralf Oberbanscheid, the firm’s head of thematic investment, expressed that the selection of trends reflects the “major economic value” they attribute to the work that addresses inefficiencies, inequalities and disparities in companies, society and the environment.

“In general, markets tend to underestimate this value,” said the company executive.

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