Russia – Ukraine War | Kharkiv: New war zone opened by Vladimir Putin in key Ukrainian region has “significantly deteriorated” | Vovchansk | Liptsi | Volodymyr Zelensky USA | NATO | Vladimir Putin | the world

Russia – Ukraine War |  Kharkiv: New war zone opened by Vladimir Putin in key Ukrainian region has “significantly deteriorated” |  Vovchansk |  Liptsi |  Volodymyr Zelensky  USA |  NATO |  Vladimir Putin |  the world

area Kharkiv Freed from Russian occupation 18 months ago, but Friday dawned with a heavy bang Air and Artillery.

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Russian forces They passed by the front page That day in an attack covering a length of 60 kilometers Liptsi Y VovsanskThe two cities are located 20 and 50 kilometers north-east respectively Kharkiv.

If you fall LiptsiFrom there Russian forces could attack the city Kharkiv with cannons.

A Ukrainian police officer inspects a building damaged during the evacuation of local residents from territories bordering Russia, in the city of Vovsansk, Kharkiv region. (EFE/EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO).

/ George Ivanchenko

It’s a nightmare for Kiev For two reasons: first, they liberated this land from Russian forces 18 months ago; However, they failed to fortify the area sufficiently to prevent an easy recapture of the evacuated Moscow. and in the second place, Russia With continuous and exhausting pressure the stretched Ukrainian army could once again be tied down KharkivAn analysis noted that crude blasting over a vast urban center imposes a cost .

“The Enemy Achieves Tactical Victories”Public servants confirmed Monday Ukraine AFP reviewed in a statement posted on Facebook.

Ukrainian authorities also confirmed this Russia is using “up to five battalions” in the attack.

Deepstate is close to the military, according to the Telegram channel UkraineAFP reports that the Russians have already managed to occupy around 100 km2.

Deepstate said Monday The Russians are “advancing towards Lipsey. “Enemy infantry is under constant fire.”

“The enemy continues to advance Vovsansk. It is located on the outskirts and seeks to infiltrate the heavily bombed city. “Evacuation of civilians is underway,” he added.

Russian offensive in Kharkiv region.  (AFP).

Russian offensive in Kharkiv region. (AFP).

For his part, the Russian Ministry of Defense Divisions of the Army Group said in a statement Disconnect (Norde“Improved their tactical position” at the expense of the 125th Territorial Defense Brigade. Ukraine. He added that the soldiers had advanced Vovsansk.

Russia also said it rejected counterattacks Several Ukrainian offensive units lost up to 250 people, two tanks and twenty cars, EFE pointed out.

For its part, the Ukrainian civil service announced on Monday Russian battalions lost 1,740 men In the last 24 hours.

Russia’s goals

A Ukrainian flag flies over the site of a damaged monument in Vovsansk, Kharkiv region, on May 12, 2024.  (EFE/EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO).

A Ukrainian flag flies over the site of a damaged monument in Vovsansk, Kharkiv region, on May 12, 2024. (EFE/EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO).

/ George Ivanchenko

According to local media and Russian military bloggers quoted by EFE, Russian forces attempt to encircle VovchanskThe situation is “very difficult,” as the Ukrainian president admitted Sunday. Volodymyr Zelensky.

Russia wants to restore positions in Kharkiv to neutralize Ukrainian artillery fire Against the frontier BelgradeAn attack on a residential building left 15 people dead on Sunday.

Zelensky In his message to the country on Sunday, the Russian offensive on this second front seeks to force Ukrainian troops to disperse and ignore other fronts.

There are cities that have turned from gray zones into war zones And the aggressor is trying to establish positions in some of them or use them to advance further,” he added. Zelensky.

According to , Russian offensive attempts to seize Vovsansk This is largely a consequence of an implicit Western policy that Ukrainian forces cannot use Western-supplied systems to attack legitimate military targets. Russia.


Russia is very advanced and takes advantage of Ukraine’s weakness

Francis Belande Matosian,

International researcher

It is not clear what the exact purpose is Russia With this new lead. Apparently they have 50,000 men, but that number will not be enough to capture the city Kharkiv. Until now they have been able to advance in what they call gray areas because there is no defense on the Ukrainian side because they have established a defensive line beyond those areas.

One of the objectives of the Russians is to divert resources of men and military material from the Ukrainians, to drive them to that front, and since Kiev has problems with both soldiers and weapons, they cannot cover all fronts. For example, they may want to cause a boycott DonbassThe Russians also want to advance.

It is very clear that the Russians have a very high superiority over the Ukraine In men and munitions, they seize the opportunity. Ukraine is in a very complicated situation, although it is true that American weapons are coming.

Ukraine took a long time to launch a call to recruit new soldiers, and they even recently passed a law and another provision to recruit prisoners who want to go to war.

The West has been criticized for Ukraine’s ban on using Western weapons on Russian territory against legitimate targets such as troop concentrations or supply lines.

But as much has happened in this war, the West has gradually given up and given Ukraine more and more sophisticated weapons, and there may come a time when the Russians will advance so decisively that they will change Western attitudes as well. Arms against the Russian border may be authorized.

Ukraine will be hit hard

An evacuee arrives by bus at a site in the Kharkiv region amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine on May 12, 2024.  (Photo by Román PILIPEY / AFP).

An evacuee arrives by bus at a site in the Kharkiv region amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine on May 12, 2024. (Photo by Román PILIPEY / AFP).

/ Roman Philippi

Analysis by British journalist Nick Patton Walsh Mentioned that this new lead This is another example of how bad things are going for Ukraine this year.: Their armies are spread thin Much less artillery than the RussiansA very adequate air defense and, above all, Lack of players. Their plight is compounded by dry weather, which allows Russian mechanized units to move more easily, he said.

For his part, Deputy Director of Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General Vadim SkibitskySo said The Economist last week His country’s problem is “very simple: we don’t have weapons. “They always knew that April and May would be a tough time for us.”

The soldier calculated Russia currently has more than half a million men inside Ukraine or on its borders.

But Nick Patton Walsh insists on it Russia He also knows that time is against him, because American aid will start arriving in less than a month Ukraine A production of USD 61,000 million was approved. Thus, the country Zelensky The weapons he begged for would soon be available.

“Knowing that the fight for his forces will intensify in the coming summer, Putin appears to be throwing everything he can,” the British journalist wrote.

Sever, the Russian army division at the forefront of the attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin walks past an honor guard as he attends a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on May 9, 2024.  (Photo by Maxim Shemedov/AFP).

Russian President Vladimir Putin walks past an honor guard as he attends a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on May 9, 2024. (Photo by Maxim Shemedov/AFP).

/ Maxim Shemedov

Russian offensive leads DisconnectA recently formed Army Group.

George Barrows of the Institute for War Studies in Washington told CNN Sever is a “group of functional significance.”

“Russia was trying to build 60,000 to 100,000 soldiers to attack his group. Kharkiv And we estimate it to be closer to 50,000,” Barrows said, but “it still has a lot of combat power.”

From this new force, armored infantry units attempted to cross the Ukrainian border, CNN noted. He added that the available evidence suggests that they were expected and suffered substantial losses. But if more elite factions join in, Russia’s ambitions could grow Kharkiv.

“This is just the beginning, the Russians have a beachhead for future attacks,” a Ukrainian special forces unit told CNN over the weekend.

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