Schaeffler technology to increase autonomy of electric vehicles

Schaeffler technology to increase autonomy of electric vehicles

By July 2023, one in five new cars sold in Germany will have a battery-electric drivetrain. However, the Autonomy of electric vehicles One in two electric/hybrid drivers in Europe report this as one of their top three concerns about their vehicles (Shell EV Driver Report). Besides, The machine doesn’t just use the battery. Especially in winter, at the expense of autonomy, all facilities require electricity.

Schaffler As explained, this feature works Matthias Zink, CEO Automotive Technologies. “Our intelligent technology solutions and wide range of components and systems for fully electrified powertrains improve the everyday operation of electric vehicles by increasing power consumption and range.” As a result, drivers don’t have to charge their cars as often. Depending on the design of the vehicle application, automakers can take advantage of energy savings to make the battery smaller, making the vehicle more cost-effective.

Bearing solutions

All cars need bearings and electric vehicles are no exception. One of the main options is to improve the autonomy of electric cars To reduce frictional losses; That is, when the energy that could be used to power the vehicle is lost in the form of heat through the friction of the bearings. Schaeffler has developed solutions to counter this situation. The Transmission bearings Reduce friction, thereby About 50 watts of electricity is saved Compared to conventional bearing solutions. This translates directly to a More autonomy. Another option, in winter, is to dedicate these extra 50 watts to heating the exterior mirrors or the steering wheel, without losing autonomy. It is important that Schaeffler electric vehicle drive bearings are adapted to the high rotational speeds of electric drive motors and thus ensure optimal load absorption.

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For even more autonomy, Schaeffler offers Trifinity wheel bearings. Wheel bearings are part of the electric vehicle chassis. They guide and support the motorcycle axles and ensure that the wheels can rotate with minimal resistance even under heavy mechanical load. Wheel bearings are subjected to enormous loads during normal driving operations. They are in constant motion, They rotate about 100 million times for every 180,000 km of travel.. Schaeffler TriFinity wheel bearings reduce friction losses by 67% compared to conventional bearings. it is a Storage over 200 wattsOr the same thing, roughly 20 additional kilometers of autonomy In a fully loaded electric SUV with a battery capacity of 120 kWh.

Thermal management

The company works to develop a continuum of thermal management solutions, from versatile components for multiple applications to highly integrated thermal management systems through 4-in-1 electric axes that integrate engine, transmission, electronics of power and thermal management. A single optimal unit. The 4-in-1 Power Hub eliminates the extra pipes and cables required for decentralized thermal management systems, so less energy is lost. It has fewer parts, is lighter in weight and can be easily installed by automakers. This also allows for an integrated solution Also increases autonomy and charging speed, as it keeps the power train (including the battery) at the right temperature. It maintains occupant comfort and appropriate temperature. The 4-in-1 electric axle, thanks only to the optimal interaction between its four subsystems. In the case of a small electric car with a 75 kWh battery, it can save 1 kWh of energy per 100 kilometers of travel. It means a 7% additional autonomySome will be 36 km.

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Schaeffler is also developing a new category Heat pump 4-in-1 should be used in both electric axis and an independent component. A heat pump converts the thermal energy of the surrounding air and the waste heat of the motor, power electronics and battery into usable heat. Thus Battery power is saved, especially valuable during the cold winter months. Compared to a compact car with a 75 kWh battery and decentralized heat management, the same vehicle with a 4-in-1 electric axle and heat pump system will consume 4 kWh less energy per 100 kilometers (measured in WLTC, based on an outside temperature of -7 °C). It is equal to a 17% increase in autonomyThat is, A 48 km advantage.

That is another advantage of the Schaeffler heat pump system Uses naturally occurring refrigerant carbon dioxide (R744)., which is much less harmful to the environment than conventional refrigerant (Rf1234yf). R744 is non-flammable, has a low greenhouse gas potential and does not damage the ozone layer.


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