Science becomes a comic at UMA's Espacio Zero

Science becomes a comic at UMA's Espacio Zero

The The Zero Space Room of the Cultural Container of the University of Malaga (Thiatinos complex) shows a A new exhibition titled 'Their Science'A collection of comics created by Illustrator Guan Cho Together with the MECUSA project, its mission is to make visible, highlight and promote Spanish scientists and technologists.

Inauguration of 'They Science' Exhibition.

To date, eight installments have been published: 'Neurotic Women. Neurologists', 'Spanish Scientists. EcoGuardians', 'Researchers in Cancer Wars', 'Scientists of Chola(pa)', 'Research for Equality', 'Super Researchers in Ageing', 'Super Women in Technology' and 'Spanish Women in the Space Race'. The vignettes can be enjoyed on the walls of the vice-rector's room for culture until March 19. Along with the prints that span the walls of the exhibition space, there are also two display cases in keeping with the comics theme and various decorative elements and a projection.

In 2014, a group of scientists and technologists created the non-profit organization ECUSA (Spanish Scientists in the United States). Creates future generations. From the same organization and after observing the existing gender gap, also in the field of science, the Megusa Project was born.

The artist Guan So Wu was born in Algeciras 34 years ago, although he and his family moved to Malaga when he was a child. With a degree in graphic design, Kwan Cho has developed his work on topics such as racism, integration or identity with autobiographical tones. In 2015 he published his first graphic novel 'Acridul's Gazpacho. A Sino-Andalusian Biography' and last year, a third: 'La Agridolce Vita'. Currently his life is evolving between Spain and America.

'Their Science' is curated by Carmen Cortés Saboras, teacher of various degrees and postgraduate degrees, including a master's degree in gender equality at the University of Malaga. The date chosen for the installation coincides with the month of March, when International Women's Day is celebrated and the cultural container, located on the same floor as the exhibition hall, dedicates its programming to women, 'Read My Lips'. Bicycle.

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'Their Science' can be visited until March 19, 2024 at 23 Boulevard Louis Pasteur, Monday to Friday, 11am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm (closed on holidays). Admission is free.


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