Scientists are trying to understand the disappearance of hundreds of stars in the sky: what is it about?

Scientists are trying to understand the disappearance of hundreds of stars in the sky: what is it about?

This phenomenon affects the understanding of galaxy evolution and may reveal the origin of black holes.

Galaxy. Source: Pexels

The scientists said Sudden disappearance of hundreds of stars in the sky and revealed that it was a puzzle to the astronomical community. In recent years, more than 800 cases have been documented in which once-shining celestial bodies have disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance of stars defies the laws of physics and established knowledge by scientists. NASA In one of his investigations, They must continue a predictable life cycle and eventually die.. However, many were extinguished suddenly and without showing any prior quenching or bursting.

Galaxy, black hole, universe.  Photo by Unsplash. Galaxy, black hole, universe. Photo by Unsplash.

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A new study has been published magazine Physical review lettersScientists have found and shown an important clue to solving this puzzle. Conditions in which black holes form from stars completing their natural cycle.

Los Black holes They are among the most mysterious objects in the universe, and many stars that have not yet completed their cycles have been absorbed by a “black hole of their own creation”.

Galaxy, Solar System Galaxy, Solar System

Euclid's telescope.  Photo: European Space Agency

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The journal highlights three types of black holes

  • Supermassive Black Holes: They are found at the center of almost all galaxies, including our Milky Way’s Sagittarius A*.
  • Stellar Black Holes: They form from stars eight times more massive than the Sun, and there may be as many as 100 million of them in our galaxy alone.
  • Intermediate mass black holes: Recently discovered as the missing link between black holes.

In this sense, the astrophysicist, Alejandro Vigna-Gomez From the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark and the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany, lead author of Stellar and Colossal Works, said: “The collapse is so complete that no explosion occursNothing escapes and No supernova will be seen Bright in the night sky.”

black hole  Photo: Unsplash black hole Photo: Unsplash

In this sense, the astrophysicist exemplifies it Stars They usually end their lives by expelling energy and mass into space, and if they have enough surface area, Gravity would be so strong that it would collapse directly into a black hole Without creating a mythic explosion.

“Stars are expected to be eight times larger than the Sun. The collapse continues until the star becomes a black holeAstronomer Vigna-Gómez expressed it in a similar sense.

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