Technology and Control – El Valle

Technology and Control – El Valle

  • Writing
  • June 6, 2024

  • Columns


By: David Colmenares Paramo

Knowledge management in public institutions of the state requires adequate tools and equipment to process the information that is generated permanently. Therefore, definition of processes is necessary to achieve organizational objectives. Currently, these processes can be developed with the help and application of technological innovations such as digitization, artificial intelligence and big data. Technology at the service of organizations facilitates knowledge management, achieving goals and obtaining positive results based on legal mandates.

In the case of apex audit firms, technological innovations have a direct impact on the effectiveness of audit work. Above all, due to the large amount of information, the methods based on data analysis and the speed – practically all the time – information is generated. In this organizational context and with the aim of improving the mechanisms and tools available to SAIs to manage knowledge, systems such as OLACEFS are important.

These multilateral organizations are critical to building organizational capabilities in SAIs, along with leveraging technologies, strengthening digitization and implementing artificial intelligence (AI) tools. At the 78th meeting of the OLACEFS Board of Directors in Panama, we also met with the Latin American Parliament – the importance of the development of technical tools that affect the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the monitoring process. Companies. Investment in technology has proven to deliver positive results for ASF.

Latin America and the Caribbean region should move in the direction of collaboration and cooperation – especially research institutions with more experience in developing tools for knowledge management based on technology – technology projects and digital development. By the way, applications like the Beehive-type audits we develop at ASF stand out.

In the case of Mexico, various public technical programs have been developed in the High Audit of the Federation. The development of digital audits and the creation of the digital mailbox stand out. Both tools demonstrate the value of technology in the current context of the world. One characterized by the distribution of information through digital channels and, above all, the creation of sustainable information.

In the short term, the agreements established after the last meeting of the OLACEFS Board of Directors established cooperation agreements on technical matters between the region’s SAIs.

There are many areas of research that need improvements: for example, linking research to climate change mitigation work, particularly based on analysis of audit data on environmental government activities to raise public awareness. Information management and analysis are needed to guide citizen action in favor of the environment.

In the short term, learning at the regional level has applicability at the local level, which is why another area of ​​collaboration between ASF and state agencies is desirable to have valuable information repositories for study. SAT is precisely the development of technology and AI applications to improve processes, manage knowledge and deliver better results to society.

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