The best (and least known) time travel movie of recent years is returning to Netflix

The best (and least known) time travel movie of recent years is returning to Netflix

A film with gritty science fiction and two great actors should be instantly redeemed

This film took the sites of Streaming The attack happened about two and a half years ago and it represented a small revolution: where did this film come from? Where has it been hiding since its production date in 2014? Anyway,’forecast’ was incredible: a monumental tale of time travel that is small but highly suggestive, and now you have the chance to see it again. Review Netflix.

The less you know about it (including the title of the classic story of the genre it replaces), the better. So you can stop reading now and watch the movie and come back. But, if you want, tell us the story of a special agent from the government department created in the eighties to monitor all things time travel. He would have to make a series of backward jumps to stop someone planting bombs across the country: on one of his trips in the seventies, He meets a man who tells a strange story.

More than one reader with calluses will see this coming, especially if they know its source: the story ‘All You Zombies’ by the great Robert Heinlein (best known as the author of ‘Starship Troopers’). In fact, Heinlein is mentioned several times throughout the film, with other interludes that include a very popular song from the 1940s that is essentially a satirical summary of the film.

Even knowing what it’s about (I know, I’m looking forward to watching it again), the great thing about ‘Predestination’ isn’t its twists, but the audacity of a film. Never underestimates the intelligence of the viewer and never casts doubt on him Think about what you’re watching, allowing for the emotions delivered by Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook’s excellent performances. A true treasure for the era of chewy science fiction.

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In Xataka | ‘Predestination’: A gem about time travel on Netflix that draws on classic science fiction

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