The Economy Minister shows his support for service station merchants at a day held in Mérida

The Economy Minister shows his support for service station merchants at a day held in Mérida

The Minister of Economy, Employment and Digital Transformation, Guillermo Santamaría, showed the Board’s support for the needs of merchants of Extremadura service stations when he participated in the closing ceremony of the “A coffee with CEES” conference organized by him. Regional Association of Service Station Entrepreneurs of Extremadura, ARESEX.

The forum, held this Thursday in Mérida, examined the present and future of service stations. In this sense, the consultant “it is necessary to make progress in any field, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the situation, and this is what you are doing today on this Information Day.”

In this meeting, a series of professional conferences were held on the present and future of the sector and on new ways to get more out of the business, the board points out in a press release.

Santamaría has given the company the cooperation of the Government of Extremadura. The duty of the administration “is to be on the side of the companies to help you, because you are the protagonists and responsible for the economic development of Extremadura.”

Counselor delivered the greeting The Spanish Confederation of Service Station Employers (CEEES) was founded forty-five years ago. It is the meeting organization for all Spanish service station employers, protecting their professional activity and developments for the sector.

Santamaría congratulated the work of the Regional Association of Service Station Entrepreneurs of Extremadura and outlined the “diverse” group of entrepreneurs and business models that participate, as there are “big merchants” with 2 or 3 services. Stations under their charge and small business owners with “small gas stations” in rural areas.

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“This diverse union undoubtedly results in mutual assistance among partners,” the director said in a press release, according to the board.


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