The head of the Economic Commission: “How are pensioners going to do without a penny in their accounts?” | Interview | principle

The head of the Economic Commission: “How are pensioners going to do without a penny in their accounts?”  |  Interview |  principle

Beginning October 4, the Congressional Committee on Economics and Finance begins debate on bills (ten in total) authorizing the seventh withdrawal of funds from the AFPs.

Technical representatives from MEF, SBS, BCR, AFP Association and other organizations will support their positions; Later, the congressmen who are the authors of the initiatives will defend their proposals.

After this, legislator Cesar Revilla Villanueva (Fuerza Popular) notes that an opinion will be prepared and, if favorable to the transfer, will be presented to the full session of the Republican Congress. of this Act.

What is the status of this bill?

Ten proposals have been presented by various colleagues to withdraw funds from the AFP, and there is strong opposition from the MEF, Banking Supervision, Insurance and AFP, BCR, APF Associations and several national technical bodies. The MEF says that this will damage our country’s classification, apart from which the lack of social security for retirees is expected.

Colleagues in Congress say the withdrawal is necessary to get the economy moving again. (…) What we have decided is to listen to all parties. Everything is in estimation, it depends on the discussions and the technical information presented by the proponents and opponents.

Has the Commission already received the Executive Bill on Pension Reforms?

We’re going to get this bill and we’re going to work with people in the commission to reach an agreement and bring it up for debate. In fact, the two issues of withdrawing AFP funds and pension reform go hand in hand, as many people will be left without a pension after withdrawing their funds.

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MEF considers withdrawal of funds populist and impossible, what do you think about it?

What MEF tells us is that this scheme is not going to solve the basic problem and there are cases of people who are going to withdraw 4 UIT, those who are going to recover, those who are earning more than ten thousand soles and those in the age bracket who stop contributing and retire, for example, have only 5 thousand soles in their account, if they withdraw this fund they will How are they? Who will accompany them in their retirement? (…) How many people were injured? How many people can exist without anything? According to MEF, the government has to recover ONP with 13 billion soles every year because it is not enough to pay pensions.

Earlier refunds were motivated by covid, now they are citing inflation.

Few talk about the slowdown of the economy, inflation and purchasing power. But the issue is providing real solutions, not a bubble.

Congress insists this will get the economy going again (…) They should tell us what these guys are going to do when they don’t have a single sole in their account. What is going to happen is that in future, the government is going to be burdened.

On another topic, what do you think of the idea of ​​privatizing Petroperu?

I think Petroperú is wrong to manage our resources at this time because it is a company that is in the red with pluses and minuses. (…) Therefore, in my opinion, what needs to be done is for Petroperú to enter as a strategic partner of an international private company experienced in exploitation. With a private strategic partner, officials cannot steal. In the modern world the state is a regulator and promoter, not an entrepreneur.

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There is a social-communist conspiracy around Minister Contreras, a cabinet of caviars and communists who want to throw the country overboard, and he is trying to raise it as much as he can. He can’t do much with those around him.

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If you are going to reprimand a minister for not giving you the budget you ask for, you will have to reprimand all the ministers, all the officials, and you will not be alive.


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