The Ministry of Culture shares its digital experiences at the Latin American Science and Technology Seminar

The Ministry of Culture shares its digital experiences at the Latin American Science and Technology Seminar

As part of the 50th anniversary of the coup in Chile, the University of Santa María organized a dialogue space to explore how science and technology have contributed to causes of memory, truth and justice related to crimes against humanity in the region. condition.

The First Latin American Symposium on Science, Technology and Human Rights, September 13 and 14, with the participation of international representatives from Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay and Peru and the Department of Memory and Human Rights of the Ministry of Culture, Humanities Studies and Collective The memorial was organized by the UTFSM department.

Within the framework of the 50th anniversary commemoration, the aim of the seminar is to provide a space to share experiences on projects and initiatives where science and technology have contributed to the causes of memory, truth and justice related to state crimes at the regional level. Coup d’état in Chile.

A virtual education and training session was held today, Wednesday the 13th, with representatives from Colombia, Argentina and Chile. It was presented by Francia Jamet, National Manager of the Culture, Memory and Human Rights Unit of the Department of Cultural Citizenship, and Christian Schultze, Support Specialist of the Unit, who mentioned the digitization process of the Training Program in Cultural Management. Sites of Memory in Epidemic Context.

Along these lines, short films produced in various remote workshops were exhibited, showing virtual recreations of physical spaces, but also Memoria’s own stories; Achieving a narrative that transforms space into digital, created in remote work with technological tools.

“As for the workshops, we were surprised by the contagion during their development, but since we came from the explosion, there were many memory operations due to repressive methods that relive those experiences. Thus, we started to virtualize everything, but it was a moment of great connection, re-creating the stove. , we can meet again and accompany each other from a distance,” explained Francia Jamet.

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“We were given a different situation, because before we had an audience of 50 or 60 people, now we had 60,000 people and an audience from all over the world. So we had to adapt and go with people who had traumatic experiences like torture and imprisonment, which was a new experience for the group. There was; but through screens we got this connection and escape from isolation,” he added.

The event also showcased a project carried out by Maclean’s Women Political Prisoners Group, which, in conjunction with the unit’s work, was able to transform a common experience in a physical space into a virtual tour. De Cologne 636, a former detention center used during the dictatorship.


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