The Ministry of Economy meets the representatives of the chosen proxy

The Ministry of Economy meets the representatives of the chosen proxy

Guatemala City, October 31 (AGN).– Under the commitment to carry out a transparent transition process, this day Ministry of Economy (Mineco) He met the representatives of the two electorates.

Minister Luz María Pérez welcomed the elected representatives at the Mineco headquarters, where they discussed the progress of the portfolio in recent years.

We would like to welcome you to the Ministry of Economy, we will inform you about the relevant activities focused on attracting investment, improving competitiveness, foreign trade etc.

The meeting was also attended by Mineco Deputy Ministers; Elizabeth Ucalde, Oscar Villagrán, Mario Alfredo Jacobs, Ambassador of the Transition Commission and the Organization of American States.

Progress in change

The Government Transition Commission He mentioned that this process is progressing positively. Currently, the established system is in the second phase, which corresponds to departmental meetings.

For this day, there are 12 Ministries that have been able to interact with the team appointed by the selected twins. Similarly, the meeting with the state secretaries has also started.

OAS support

To ensure that the process is respected and that everything goes smoothly, the transition measures undertaken have the support of the OAS.

According to officials, President Alejandro Giammatte was the one who requested support for the process. This transition should be orderly, transparent and planned to strengthen democracy in the country.

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Management commitment

President Giammattei has demonstrated his commitment to change and has ensured that it is transparent and systematic. Therefore, the President has tried to provide the necessary tools to the two chosen ones.

Accordingly, progress is reported daily in every meeting held with the elected representatives, along with the Commission appointed by the President.

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