“There's a big interest in space again”

“There's a big interest in space again”

Sarah García Alonso (Leon, 1989) is a biomedical researcher and, in addition, the first Spanish candidate to be an astronaut, since 2022 she is in the Reserve. European Space Agency (ESA, in English).

She breaks barriers, clichés and glass ceilings and many students see themselves reflected in her.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays he will be in the Valencian community, with eventsPolytechnic University of ValenciaToy Company (AIJU) and The University of Valencia (UV). Her visit was part of the February 11 Day of Women and Girls in Science.

We can say that 'work' is piling up for February 11th. What does this day mean? Does it feel like a special date?

Yes, this is a special day, I already noticed it last year and in 8M. The demands, especially because of my scientific profile, will increase, but eventually you can go where the hours of the day allow.

She's a reference and almost a pop icon too, because, understand me, everyone knows who the “red-haired astronaut” is. Was this reaction expected?

No, no, no. I imagined there would be a certain media frenzy, but it would be a couple of weeks and then everything would go back to normal. But it is not welcome and has become such a recognizable reference. It was a pleasant surprise, I take it carefully and with great responsibility, and I use it as a speaker to spread both my feelings.

He is a double reference: as a future astronaut and as a researcher. What message does this convey to girls and teenagers? And to society in general?

For girls and teens who are having a hard time, if they want to pursue a STEM career, they should be encouraged to try it, not because they are a girl or because they are. It seems like a difficult profession they can't do it. If you really want it, it's a beautiful profession, gender is not a determining factor; You don't have to put up barriers. For society, I like to say that betting on research—whether on Earth, against cancer, or in microgravity—is inherently good. We advance knowledge, it has an economic impact, it inspires future generations, it supports collaboration … and we all have to commit to it.

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How did you become a reserve astronaut and dedicate yourself to research? Did you dream about it as a child or did it fly away?

I dreamed of devoting myself to a scientific career because I was fascinated by everything related to science and technology. Especially biotechnology or oncology research or being an astronaut, not science. After that bit, I chose biotechnology because it was very broad. Through working in laboratories, I discovered that I am passionate about cancer research and that it can have a very important benefit and impact on society. I don't consider being an astronaut because Europeans don't have options; There must be an opportunity from ESA, it's not something you can read about. When it arrived and I saw that it fit, I was intrigued and decided to give it a try.

Was your election and that of another Spaniard, Pablo Alvarez, as reserve astronauts, a boost and self-esteem to the Spanish science and technology sector?

Yes, of course. It has been a wonderful stimulus to the students and society in general. Now there is a great interest in space again and there was only one Spanish astronaut, Pedro Duque, that has been there for more than 20 years. So, to see two young people from a public university, enthusiastic and motivated, is a good example and a way to instill happiness and enthusiasm. These things can be achieved, the obstacles we put up ourselves. The aerospace industry is growing and Spain is a good example; There are many startups and PLD and Miura are amazing for this sector.

He opined that betting on science is intrinsically good for many things. What should we ask of Spanish science or of governments and administrations?

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They provide financial resources for projects because research needs funding; and cut bureaucratic barriers that slow down science. Science must be presented, maintained and cherished. In our country, there are great intellectuals and scientists, but we must take care of them, fund projects and pay researchers' salaries so that they can come and stay in Spain in accordance with the pace of our life. want

How is your day to day? Do you devote yourself fully to research? Are you training with ESA?

I continue to work daily at the National Cancer Research Center. Because of the impact of the appointment, they ask me a lot for dissemination activities, above all at conferences, conventions or universities. So, I try to combine it with my work. About ESA, we don't train unless there is a mission.

Do you think at some point you will have the opportunity to participate in a project or mission?

Yes yes! I'm sure it will be different from Pablo Alvarez because he is a career astronaut and already works at ESA. I'm still a researcher, and when there's a mission they'll activate my project astronaut status, I'll take the mission, and then I'll decide if I go back to research or stay in the space industry. But yes, I think it will come.

Can you imagine being the first Spanish woman in space?

[Ríe]. Hopefully, I hope and hope to make it happen soon!

In Gandia, there is a mural from the “Dones de Ciencia” project from the UPV and Las Naves. What do you think about the many tributes?

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Well, that's an incredible honor. I know many of the women depicted and to be a part of that group makes me feel very honored and very humbled. I feel like the mural represents me because that's what I was like as a kid, playing scientist and astronaut. This is one of the most beautiful tributes. They have made me so much and they all inspire me so much. When I see something like this, I still don't believe they represent me.

And what do women say to him?

Many people feel inspired; Or they tell me they always dreamed of being an astronaut, but they believed it was impossible. Of course, knowing that I exist and have achieved it motivates them and makes them want to try harder. For me the greatest pride I can feel.


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