They present a motion to intervene to the Minister of Economy: These are 15 questions that José Arista must answer.

They present a motion to intervene to the Minister of Economy: These are 15 questions that José Arista must answer.
The head of the Ministry of Economy has no qualms about questioning the actions of Parliament. | Photo credit: Infobay Peru (Camila Calderon) / Andina / PCM

During the last session of the full session of the Congress, several Left Members of Parliament signed and submitted it. interpolation movement Against Jose Arista, head of the Ministry of Economy (MEF). In this, in order to participate and answer A An inquiry paper containing 15 questions.

If he gets the support of the majority of the parliamentary delegation, the minister will have to answer questions about the poverty situation in Peru, the work stoppage, his administration and the departure of Carlos Oliva as president of the Finance Council.

The document bears the signatures of Maria Aguero, Flavio Cruz, Isaac Mita, Maria Tiebe and Kelly Portalatino. Free Peru; Sigrid Bazan, Hamlet Echevarria, Roberto Camiche, Suzelle Paredes and Roberto Sánchez de Democratic Transition – Together for Peru; Pasión Dávila, Paul Gutierrez, Lucinda Vasquez and Oscar Zia from the National Concertation Magisterial Block; Luis Cordero, Jorge Luis Uncachi, Hilda Portero and Elvis Vergara A popular act; Roberto Chiabra d Alliance for Progressof Carlos Zeballos We can growElias Varus d Peru Bicentennialand ungrouped Alex Flores, Ilitch Lopez, Wilson Guispe, Jaime Guido, Silvana Robles and Katie Ugarte.

It is worth noting that at least one-third of the qualified congressional votes are required for interlocutory admission. A vote shall be taken at the next session in which the motion is considered. If approved, the full Congress agrees on a day and time for Arista to attend.

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1. On the demand for empowerment and poverty reduction:

  • Given the increase in the number of people in poverty reported by INEI, how do you justify that the proposed measures are not focused on promoting economic restructuring?
  • What are the specific strategies MEF is implementing to alleviate poverty, promote economic growth and reduce inflation?
  • Why should Sections 17 and 18 of Ordinance 006-2024 be repealed, asserting a violation of collective bargaining that challenges the first authority of the state to establish a position in favor of workers?
  • Do you think that the country’s economic crisis should be paid for by reducing workers’ benefits?

2. Regarding cessation of operations in the first quarter of 2024

  • What is the main reason why backlogs increased significantly during your administration?
  • What concrete steps has the Ministry taken to address the work stoppage and what has been their effectiveness?
  • What percentage of stalled work is expected to be reactivated in the short term, and what are the specific strategies to achieve this?
  • What is your assessment of the risks of the shutdown in terms of impact on employment, economic growth and investor confidence?
  • Submit an updated report on investments as per the policy of transparency and accountability. Can you describe which investments are changed, which observations are made, and the specific nature of these?
  • What are the emergency arrangements adopted by MEF to prevent completion of unfinished works left by ARCC?

3. About his administration in the Ministry of Economy and Finance

  • Could you explain to us the reasons for the changes in officers and how you think they have contributed to improving both the internal management of the ministry and the economic and social outcomes of the country?
  • Present a balance sheet of your management detailing goals and objectives, performance indicators, plans and policies implemented, results achieved, use of resources, challenges, obstacles and future perspectives.
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4. Regarding the opinions of the Finance Council

  • The outgoing Chairman of the Finance Committee, Carlos Oliva Neira, raised some alarms about the financial management adopted by the MEF and the situation was embarrassing for the government, therefore: Mr. ?
  • Regarding financial management, what are the measures to reduce financial inequality?
  • What are the rules for collecting more taxes, which will improve the budget balance?


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