Tina Boulyard denied that Rolex watches were “donations” before the lawsuit, insisting they were “loans” | Wilfredo Ascorima | Office of the National Prosecutor | principle


Before that, however, the President took a few minutes to say that there was a “confusion” in the situation where Oskorima gave him the Swiss watches. Boluarte Zgarra, according to a statement accessed by El Comercio, said that they were not “donations” but were given to him as “loans” and therefore, he did not commit any crime.

After this report, the Attorney General’s Office presented a constitutional complaint to Congress against the President alleging improper passive bribery.

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According to the financial report, the person under investigation would use the powers conferred on him by the presidency to benefit from laws and regulations in return for “donations” of Swiss watches and diamond jewellery. More budget for the Ayacucho area.

“I reiterate that I have no illegal enrichment”

According to the document, at the start of the proceedings, Poluarte Zegarra promised to testify when asked if he would answer or exercise his right to remain silent.

“The respondent Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra indicated that she would testify in this proceeding,” the response stated.

Despite this, the President answered only one question and then exercised his right to remain silent.

When asked by the Office of the Attorney General, the President confirmed that he had given before the office on April 5, the date on which he admitted to receiving the Swiss watches and diamond jewelry from Oskorima.

Poluarte Zegarra, however, indicated that he wanted to clear up “a confusion” in the minutes read to him from his previous hearing. This, he said, was because the watches and diamond bracelets had not been “gifted” to him by the governor of Ayacucho; But a “debt”.

“Mr. I reiterate that the watches loaned to me by Askorima were not donations as the prosecution likes to point out, they were loans. Also have to borrow a bangle bracelet.

Tina Poluarte before the Office of the National Prosecutor

The president also “absolutely denied” the prosecutor’s allegation that Oscorima Nunez gave him some gold rings with diamonds.

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As recalled, the earrings were seized by the Attorney General’s Office as a preventive measure, despite the denials of Oskorima’s legal defense and the President’s lawyers.

In this way, Boluarte Zegarra denied the crime of illegal enrichment or was in favor of Oscorima with the issued emergency decrees; He then reiterated that everything he owned was the product of his work.

“The prosecutor’s office claims that I was given some earrings, which I categorically deny and reiterate that I have no illegal enrichment, that all the assets I have are the result of my legal work, and that I am not in favor of any regional or local authority in emergency decrees.”

Tina Polwarte, President.

For this reason, the President confirmed that the charges against him in the Rolex case were “false” and that he was “innocent”. At the time, he announced that he would remain silent as his statements were leaked to the press.

“The charges against me in this investigation are completely false, I declare myself innocent, and from this moment I will not continue my statement according to the legal framework; because your office, the prosecutor, is leaking my answers to the press,” the President said.

Later, his lawyer at the time, Grecia Castañeda, reiterated that Boluarte would no longer answer because the proceedings were allegedly leaked to the media.

It should be noted that his new lawyer, Juan Carlos Portugal, has assured the media that he recommended to the president not to testify again in the prosecutor’s office, alleging that the questions asked were leaked to the press.

In view.  The prosecutor's office is investigating Poluarte and Ascorima.  (Photo: Andina)

In view. The prosecutor’s office is investigating Poluarte and Ascorima. (Photo: Andina)

In this brief way, Boluarte Zegarra concluded the possibility that the National Prosecutor’s Office or the Public Prosecutor’s Office would investigate his actions, presumably illegal, in favor of Oscorima Núñez.

His “Wiki”, Oscorima Núñez, followed in the footsteps of the President because he never clarified to the tax official the reason why he handed over watches and diamond jewelry six times to the Government Palace to meet the President Boluiarte.

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In his two statements, as a witness and as an investigator, the regional governor of Ayucho did not answer any questions during the tax hearing.

Boluarte and his new lawyers

On the other hand, the President of the Republic, Tina Bolavarte, not only before the Attorney General’s Office, but has three new accredited lawyers to take on her legal defense; But the Republic has the Rolex case in hand before Congress.

Until recently, lawyer Mateo Castañeda and his law firm supported various investigative actions against him.

Now, along with Juan Carlos Portugal, Luis Castro, Cristian Saldana and Piero Vilces are recognized as his lawyers. Poluarte Zegara took over all pending cases at the National Prosecutor’s Office.

Also, together with those who are part of Estudio Portugal, he still has the advice of the lawyer José Campos, who is the head of the legal defense of the alleged genocide due to the deaths in the social protests.

Lawyer Juan Carlos is well known in the Portuguese judiciary. Among the most iconic cases is his legal assistance to former presidential couple Ollanta Humala and Nadine Heredia in the Casoducto Sur and Construction Club case.

In addition, he supported Congressman Wilson Soto in the “Los Niños” case and legally assisted former Minister of Justice Félix Cero in a case related to alleged abuses before the National Board of Justice (JNJ).

President Dina Boluarte's lawyer, Juan Carlos Portugal, lawyers Benji Espinoza, ex-president Pedro Castillo's former lawyer;  and Attorney Jefferson Moreno, former counsel to former National Prosecutor Patricia Benavides.

President Dina Boluarte’s lawyer, Juan Carlos Portugal, lawyers Benji Espinoza, ex-president Pedro Castillo’s former lawyer; and Attorney Jefferson Moreno, former counsel to former National Prosecutor Patricia Benavides.

He has participated as a lawyer in the Fuerza Popular and Keiko Fujimori cases, and as a legal defender of lawyer Giuliana Loza and Carmela Paucará, former secretary of Fujimori Higuchi. He was the lawyer for Adriano Bozo, the former congresswoman Arlette Contreras convicted of murdering the woman.

Also, he recently secured a contract to undertake the legal defense of former Presidential Secretary Luis Nava for the sum of S/200 thousand; While at the Justice Department he won a defense deal in February for manager Indira Camacho Miranda, who was being investigated for corruption related to audio with former Supreme Court Justice Cesar Hinostroza.

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According to the State Supplier Portal, Portugal Sanchez has received S/ 1’151,951.00 for service orders or awards with the government.

Institutions include the Office of the President, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Health, the Urban Transport Authority, the Department of Justice, the Municipality of San Isidro, the Ministry of Justice, the Municipality of Lima, the Regional Government of Gallo, etc.

The number of contracts does not yet include the amount received for the protection of President Tina Polwart.

For its part, his legal entity as a company appears to the National Water Commission with two service orders for the sum of S/59,250.

Luis Bernardo Castro Gratos

He is a lawyer from the César Vallejo Private University of Trujillo and a Master in Law and Criminology from the Private University of San Martin de Porres.

Since 2018 he is a lawyer associated with the Portuguese law firm Sánchez & Abogados, according to which he is an expert in assets, organized crime, money laundering, protection of public officials and employees and protection of companies. Related to illegal mining and environmental crimes, among others.

Tina Polwart's lawyer, Luis Bernardo Castro Gratos

Tina Polwart’s lawyer, Luis Bernardo Castro Gratos

He was the attorney for Congressman Jack Darwin Espinosa Vargas, in Constitutional Complaint no. 300 was filed against him, along with three other members of Congress, in the “Los Niños Case” and filed in Parliament.

According to the State Supplier Registry, it has received S/212,000 service orders between 2019 and 2024 with the Municipality of Callao, the Municipality of Ventanilla and the Municipality of Carmen de la Legua.

Christian Kenji Saldana Colon

He is a lawyer from the National University of Ucayali and holds a master’s degree in Criminology from the Hermilio Waldison University of Huanuco. He was an assistant of the court specializing in corruption offenses of officials, as well as an assistant of the first private court of the High Court of Uzayali.

Piero Giordano Vilchez Cabeza

He is currently a legal assistant at a Portuguese law firm. He graduated from the University of San Martin de Porres and specialized in Criminal Law and the New Code of Criminal Procedure from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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