UPR students develop sargassum-based sunscreen for space missions

UPR students develop sargassum-based sunscreen for space missions

A group of students Rio Piedras Complex from University of Puerto Rico (UPR) tends to change Sargasso In a sunscreen to protect astronauts from extreme conditions in space.

The PhD student in chemistry explained that the research is in its early stages and students are working to identify the specific compounds or components of sarcasm used in sunscreen. Angela Cruz Lugolead the study supported by a 2023 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In recent years, the NASA It is developing the necessary technologies Send the men A Marte In 2030. During the journey, once they reach the Red Planet, the astronauts will be exposed to some Radiation levels Much higher than earth.

“Here are sunscreens that only protect us from Earth-specific UV rays. This is because there is an ozone layer that protects us from various types of UV rays. If we leave Earth“Those sunscreens aren't going to protect us, we're going to get other types of UV rays.”Cruz Lugo said, whose research team consists of six undergraduate students.

The research team seeks to develop a sarcasm-based sunscreen for extreme conditions in space. (provided)

Cruz Lugo explained that he decided to focus on sargassum to develop sunscreen because the aquatic plant is abundant along the coast of Puerto Rico. The use of sargassum for sunscreens has not been widely studied, but some lipids from the seaweed are already used in some cosmetic applications, such as creams and lip balms.

In the tests done by the team so far, The sunscreen has a green tone because by removing the sargassum component, algae pigments are also extracted., the expert pointed out. “Now they're working to see how to change the color so it's less green,” he added.

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Sarcasm It is a macroalga A brown floating pond, it serves as a nursery and feeding area for marine species. However, in recent years, the amount reaching the coast of Puerto Rico has increased significantly, which may represent a problem because it affects the use of public beaches and recreational activities along the coast. Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (tRNA).

“Sargassum is not as productive or has as many uses as other algae,” Cruz Lugo said. “That's why, a lot of times, they don't use this algae for these applications, so we want to use it, at the same time, Because there is already so much here, we will create a circular economy in which we can already reach the raw materials.he added.

The student's research is part of the professor's lab's programs in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Nanotechnology. Liz Diaz Vasquez, Director of the Department of Chemistry at the UPR in Rio Piedras. He explained that the students' initiatives seek to create sustainable products based on various algae, including sargassum.

“We use algae to create materials, especially nanomaterials, for environmental applications or the development of sustainable materials.”Díaz Vasquez said, noting that the research includes developing biomedical products and therapeutic materials. Coral reefs.

Potential use for the general public

Immediately, Cruz did not provide an exact date for when Lugo will receive a final product, as the process, he admitted, is “very long.” He explained that after a sunscreen is developed, it must go through an approval process Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA, in English).

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Although the students are developing a sunscreen specifically for space, the student said a product could be made for conditions on Earth as well. The research team said, First, it's trying to develop a platform for sunscreen, “to see if it can work for us, and then, we'll look for a use for extreme temperatures.”.

“It won't just be used by astronauts, because it will become something we all need at some point,” Cruz Lugo emphasized.

“We don't just help environment, but we'll also hit on the much stronger issue of what sunscreens are. “Sunscreens now have different limitations because some ingredients are not just harmful to the environment, they are also harmful to humans,” he pointed out.


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