US Citizenship: For this reason he was ordered not to return to the US for 10 years History | rppusa

US Citizenship: For this reason he was ordered not to return to the US for 10 years  History |  rppusa

A young Ecuadorian woman lived there America He faced a ten-year ban on entry for a reason that created debate on social media.

A Young Ecuadoris known TikTok Like ‘Unamanabenmiami’, he lived an odyssey Migrant It took her away from outlawry American citizenship. What did the creator of this content do to the US authorities who made the final decision to ban him from entering the country for 10 years? Next, we will tell you.

Wrong results

It started when he arrived America A with visa Student certificate expired after six months. She decided to stay in the country illegally, but nostalgia for her homeland made her return Ecuador Two and a half years later. This voluntary return earned him an order Banned from entering the US for a decade.

Desire to reunite with her lover America, the young woman and her partner decided to seek legal redress. Marriage was their first step, followed by a pardon document, which cost U$D 800. They argued that she was a minor when she made the decision to stay illegally. However, his request was initially rejected.

By this time, the couple had two children, both registered Citizens AmericansAnd her husband got a steady job.

Video credits: TikTok | @unamanabaenmiami

It will take time, but it will come

As time went by, the situation turned favorable. Eight years after being deported, the young woman made a request visa As a visitor and, surprisingly, they gave it to him for ten years. This allowed him to return America Exactly.

Once in US territory, he submitted an application for permanent residence. His solid marriage and stable life were the deciding factors that the authorities took into account and finally awarded him Citizenship.

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Today, the young woman lives in Miami and enjoys the peace of being able to travel freely in between. America Y Ecuador. His story is a testament to perseverance and the complexity of the process MigrantWhile the obstacles are daunting, it proves that with determination and proper legal advice, the dream of regularization of status can be achieved. Migrant Inside America.

With over a decade of experience in the written press, I have passionately devoted myself to researching international issues, particularly those related to the United States. My approach focuses on aspects of health, culture, politics and North American society, seeking to provide my readers with an informed and insightful view of the most relevant events. My commitment to quality content is reflected in my ability to employ SEO strategies that ensure the visibility and relevance of my articles in the digital environment. As a Peruvian, I bring my love of travel and food to my journalistic work, combining these passions to enrich my writing and provide a diverse and rich perspective. My goal is to continue to grow as a journalist, expand my horizons, and continue my mission to inform, educate, and entertain through the written word.


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