Virgin del Carmen Day: Why is it celebrated on July 16 every year? | Answers

Virgin del Carmen Day: Why is it celebrated on July 16 every year?  |  Answers

The Catholic faith community celebrates the feast every year Virgin Del Carmen is a Christian festival that forms part of the Holy Calendar and is commemorated with great devotion in countries such as Chile, Peru and Spain. Commemorating the well-known Santa Maria del Monte Carmelo, this event is one of the many Marian devotions celebrated worldwide to bless the sea and protect people on missions during shipping. Know when and why it is celebrated EphemerisAnd since Jewish times he has devoted his support.

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Who is the Virgin of Carmen, when is the festival celebrated in her honor and why?

The seventh month of the year is one of the most important times for Catholicism worldwide and for all devout believers in history. Our Lady of Carmen.

All over the world, millions of believers are arriving every day, with great interest in Latin countries and countries around the Iberian Peninsula. July 16 According to tradition, to the sea water of his town or community to celebrate and commemorate the day when he manifested his Immaculate Conception in a town in England to help the most vulnerable.

According to shared and incidental information Y Origin of the message Our Lady of Mount Carmel On that date 1251 It happened when he came down, appeared with the order in hand, and appeared before St. Simon StockSuperior General of the Carmelite Fathers of the Cambridge Convent.

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Baby Jesus in arms, a unique devotional garment in hand, Maria He said the following to one of the main characters in the history of the Carmelite Order who begged, begged and directed his fervent prayer for intercession to stop the various attacks against the Carmelite Order:

-“Receive, my son, this scapular of your order, which will henceforth be the sign of my brotherhood, and which will be a blessing to you and to all who wear it.

It is a sign of salvation, shelter in perils of body and soul, peace and eternal covenant”, he concluded St. Simon Stock That Sunday 16th July Since the 13th century, since then, the spirit has been adopted through processional representations, arrows, offerings and sacred rites to invoke protection and protection in moments of pain and difficulty.

The source and origin and its name should be mentioned Our Lady of Mount Carmel Going back Mount CarmelA mountain range in the Mediterranean Sea in Palestine, associated with the biblical prophet Elijah and associated with great ships.

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Who is the patron saint of the Virgin of Carmen and where is her feast commemorated every July 16?

Places dedicated to intense Marian devotion Our Lady of Carmenand every country that venerates her is innumerable, but we may point out that Spain stands out as one of the countries that pay her tribute with great love and passion, and regard her as the patroness of the sea and the maritime branch. of the armed forces.

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Likewise, Argentina, for example, celebrates the Fiesta de la Our Lady of Mount CarmelPatron and general of the army of the Andes, and Peru in Lima draws his support from other provinces such as Barrios Altos, Criolla Music, and Baugardambo in Cuzco.

In addition, it is important to note that the ceremony honoring the ‘Stella Maris’ of Mount Carmel is a symbol of the meeting between the old and the new alliance, since it was on the mountain range that protected the faith of the prophet Elijah. The chosen people against the pagans, as well as sailors and South American troops, will once again honor her. Sunday 16th July The year is 2023.


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