Vladimir Putin says Russia was able to stop civil war during the Wagner Group’s rebellion

Vladimir Putin says Russia was able to stop civil war during the Wagner Group’s rebellion

Neither the military nor the Russian people supported it Armed rebellion of Group WagnerHe said this Tuesday Vladimir PutinDuring a speech before security forces in the Kremlin, in Moscow.

Army and Defense Services Russia A stop was made Civil war During the group’s 24-hour armed revolt Russian mercenaries WagnerThe Russian president announced today. Vladimir Putin.

“You have protected the constitutional order, life, safety and freedom of our citizens, saved our country from trauma and stopped the civil war,” he said during an event in the Kremlin’s square of cathedrals.

There he assembled security agents and security representatives Russia Participated in anti-terror operation over the weekend.

According to the president, agents of the military and intelligence services “cut off the path to insurgency, the inevitable result of which would have been chaos.”

“In this difficult situation, they were precise, coordinated and showed their loyalty to the people. Russia And their military commitment, they expressed their responsibility before the fate of the country and its future,” he said.

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Putin remembers those who fell during the coup

Putin He recalled that uniformed officers “guaranteed the work of key command centers, strategic installations including security, protection of border areas and the rear of all units who continued to fight heroically at the front.”

“We don’t have to withdraw units from the area of ​​special military operations.” Ukraineunder control.

He recalled the deaths of several pilots during the uprising, saying “their hands did not tremble, they carried out orders and military duties with honor”, for which he called for a minute’s silence to honor the memory of the fallen.

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“Your determination and courage, combined with perfection Russian societyThey played a big and decisive role in stabilizing the situation. “The revolting people saw that the army and the people were not on their side,” he added.

According to the Russian intelligence portal “Important Stories”, Wagner’s boss flew to St. Petersburg after the riots in Rostov-on-Don, from where he returned to Russia’s former imperial capital on other flights on Sunday afternoon.

The flight of the head of the Wagner group will land in Belarus

Chief’s private plane Grupo WagnerYevgeny Prigozhin landed on Tuesday at Makhulishchi military airfield near Minsk, according to the Belarusian research group GUYN, which is dedicated to monitoring military operations on Belarusian territory.

According to data from Flightradar24 flight tracking page, the plane landed at 07:37 local time (04:37 GMT). It is an Embraer Legacy 600 aircraft, registration number RA-02795, and in 2019 was linked to Prigogine with its old registration M-SAAN on the US sanctions list.

Another private plane with the number RA-02878 took off from St. Petersburg and landed at Makhulishchi Military Airfield at 07:58 local time, according to Kayun.

It is now unknown whether Prigozhin was on one of the flights after he reached a deal with the Kremlin on Saturday to be exiled to Belarus and not face criminal charges in exchange for ending the uprising.

Earlier in the day, some Telegram channels claimed to have seen the 62-year-old businessman in a hotel in Minsk. (with information from EFE)


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