What neuro interior design is all about is decorating that aims for happiness and well-being

What neuro interior design is all about is decorating that aims for happiness and well-being
The use of natural materials, managing sunlight and incorporating plants are key elements in neurotic interior design

We are where we live And the environment in which we spend our hours shapes and permeates us mental health. The pandemic has left us with countless lessons, and the before-and-after architecture marked by the health emergency that paralyzed the world is nothing new. In many respects, we have learned that the place where we live and sleep, the place we call home, is one of the cornerstones of our lives. Emotional well-being.

The Neurology had already focused on the role of Interior space design in development Positive thinking and creativity, The pandemic has done nothing but encourage and advance this research. In that field, the Neuroscience Academy for Architecture One of America’s leading research institutes Neural architecture And this Nervous interior design.

“The design of a space helps to relax or support the creative mood, and every aspect of the environment affects certain brain processes. Stress, emotion and memory“, defines neuroscientist Eve Edelstein, who developed the first neuroscience curriculum for architecture at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego, USA.

Maria Fernanda Vilanova and Erin Erin, interior designers, explained to Infobae what Neuro Interior Design is, which guides decor to improve emotional well-being.

To explore these concepts linking makeup and its impact on mental health, Infobay Talked to interior designers MARIA FERNANDA VILLANOVA Y Paint ErinNeuro interior design pioneer in Argentina.

Your home is a reflection of who you are. Proven by science, when a person is in a place that motivates them welfare Create more Oxytocin Y Serotonin, so you feel full and with great energy. “Neurointeriorism seeks to improve that well-being through a variety of resources and tools,” says Erin.

“The first step is to listen to others,” Vilanova says, “to assess what we can contribute to their well-being through design, and it’s not just about choosing a desk or a chair that matches the rug, although that’s important. The issue—what we’re looking for is that the person recognizes, they love the space.” And don’t want to leave because they feel so good living there.

Defining spaces with specific functions is essential for a healthy environment

“Our home should be a matter of life To increase happiness“, both experts agree Le CorbusierOne of the most influential designers of the 20th century.

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Neurointeriorism is a field that encompasses a very wide range of tools and is perhaps the most popular memoryA philosophical practice, which is essentially developmental Full and conscious focus on the presentLive (dwell) in the here and now.

“Sometimes, because of the routine of life and the whirlwind we live in, no one questions things like why I have a painting in my room for 15 years if I don’t like it anymore. Mindfulness – Erin comments – is making things happen, exploring what you need, because there is no single or standardized recipe for everyone, rather each person has a job to do. Self-knowledge “It will take time.”

Natural fibers and materials connect us to nature and promote tranquility

The texture and classiness of materials, both in furniture, decor and lighting, is a key aspect of neurotic interior design. “Nature is a factor that helps to connect with the senses, wood, pure cotton, ceramics, everything from nature is ‘coming down’ to the earth,” emphasizes Vilanova.

The idea is to aim for a structure that balances the decoration Design, well-being and function. In that quest, neuro-interiorism Prioritize emotional design It activates and regulates all the senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, etc.

“Synthetics are repellent, so the more natural the fabric’s texture to the touch, the more comfortable it is,” says Erin. Life is what matters regulated spacesNot primitive but inside Harmony. With this aim, allocating storage spaces for each item is an essential resource when planning the design.

Neurointernalism uses resources and tools to improve well-being in the everyday environment.Thus, increasing exposure to sunlight from the outside is essential.

Architecture can affect our wakefulness or tiredness by managing exposure to natural light during the day and night. The sun is the gold that the body seeks And as defined by the neuroscientist, we should emulate that model in our home and work environments as much as possible. Edelstein.

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In the same sense, what neurointeriorism seeks is to “control light to respect the rhythm of our bodies—which Circadian rhythm– so we can make more melatonin and make the most of our free time.

This means not exposing yourself throughout the day to artificial light that disrupts our circadian rhythm’s sleep-wake cycle. For example, when the sun goes down, the intensity of the lights in the rooms decreases.

Defining spaces, discovering their meaning and function aims to rethink the spaces we inhabit.

Placing natural plants with different shades of green in different areas of the house is a great source of inspiration for nature in urban areas.

To relax and restore energy, it is necessary to incorporate a lot of green in the environment. Both purify the air and enhance creativity. “Humans are not born to be locked in, they are born to be outside. He Landing“Therapy connects us to the earth and recharges us with energy. Being barefoot and stepping on grass has been shown to reduce inflammation and is associated with a slower aging process, which has many benefits,” explains Eirin. An interior designer, she is also a mindfulness instructor, trained ontological coach and conscious practitioner. Participates in breathing workshops.

For her part, Vilanova recommends adding plants everywhere because “connecting with nature has a huge impact on well-being.”

The integration of plants helps to evoke nature in urban areas and improves well-being

“Home is where we spend most of the day, where we are loved and where we recharge our energy, and that’s where it should be,” says Erin. A place to relaxAnd another concentration, formation or productivityBut at the same time they must be separated.

In terms of location, spaces should be organized to match the function the homeowner wants to give each room. For example, if an area wants inspiration and relaxation, you may want to move away from technology or workplaces.

“It could be a studio apartment or a mansion, whatever matters Find out the meaning of each place. It is important to accommodate and discover each member of the family and their own needs and to openly listen to the person asking for advice, to know what they want and what their expectations are, to know the customer. Understand how they live.

Natural fibers, preferably in light tones, are other partners when creating a sense of harmony and space.

Light tones give more harmony, give a sense of spaciousness and order. The thought of Nervous interior design It’s about finding what color is needed in each space to promote creativity, concentration or relaxation.

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selection Neutral or soft colorsLight grays, browns, and light greens or blues are another alternative to the ubiquitous white to give the space a sense of calm and make it an environment that prevents stress and anxiety.

However, experts emphasize that when designing a space, “some people prefer power or vibrant colors in their bedrooms, while others look for color palettes that promote relaxation and rest.”

Fernanda Vilanova and Man Erin describe what neural interior design resources can be used in everyday environments.

Both agree to refrain from commenting House MuseumIt has spaces reserved for occasional moments and is brief, little or no use.

“The house is for living and is defined according to the stages of life, which is related to the age of the children, how each family enjoys the spaces. While it is fashionable to have a separate living or dining room for visitors, ​​​​this is no longer the same – says Vilanova – epidemic, interior spaces are reevaluated Then, we reassessed our experience.

In addition to all of these suggestions for a home, both Eirin and Vilanova agree that these concepts apply not only to homes, but also to work environments.

“In Companies, neuro interior design makes an impact. “. And the neuro-architecture in shops or stores informs what a brand wants to express and the image it presents to its customers, Vilanova says.

[Fotos: Adrián Escandar]


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