Which Latin American country has the longest working hours in the world: Surpassing the United States | | Answers


Although the International Labor Organization (ILO) recommends that people work an average of 40 hours per week, there are countries where statutory hours are higher, which has consequences for health. Did you know that? A country where people work long hours In Latin America? In this note, he told you what it is and what others are on the list prepared by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, its acronym in English).

The study considers average hours worked per year as the total number of hours worked per year in a country divided by the average number of people employed per year.

It includes full-time, part-time and part-time working hours, as well as hours worked at additional jobs and paid and unpaid overtime. It does not include vacations, paid annual leave, sickness, temporary injuries and disabilities, maternity leave, maternity leave, time spent in education or training. The data covers both employees and self-employed workers.

Which country do you work the most hours in the world?

According to a recent study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the most overworked country in the world is Latin America and Mexico, where each worker works an average of 2,226.3 hours per year.

The issue has been a problem in the Aztec nation, which has fought to reduce working hours by law. Article 61 of the Federal Labor Law in Mexico establishes the maximum duration of the working day as eight hours in a daytime shift, for a total of 48 hours per week, with at least one day of rest.

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In 2023, a legislative proposal was held to reduce the working day to 40 hours per week, as well as the right to two rest days every five days. Overtime is paid from 41 hours and not 49 hours, as currently done. However, the initiative has yet to get the green light.

Mexico is the country with the most hours worked per person (Image: GEC)

10 countries with the longest working hours in the world

See the list of reports below :

  1. Mexico: A worker works an average of 2,226.3 hours per year
  2. Costa Rica: 2,149 hours worked
  3. Chile: 1,962.8 hours
  4. Korea: 1,901 hours
  5. Israel: 1,891.9 hours
  6. Greece: 1,886.3 hours
  7. Malta: 1,881.9 hours
  8. Russia: 1,874 hours
  9. Cyprus: 1,837.1 hours
  10. Poland: 1,814.8 hours.

The United States ranks 11th with workers working 1,810.9 hours per year.

How does working long hours affect you?

The It indicates that working long hours can cause sleep disturbances and increased fatigue, as well as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and mental disorders. Fatigue can contribute to a higher incidence of accidents and injuries at work, as well as lower productivity and a poorer quality of life.

The ILO and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that long working hours caused 745,000 deaths from ischemic heart disease and stroke worldwide in 2016, a 29 percent increase since 2000.

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