Why every country needs a space agency

Why every country needs a space agency

The space industry is one of those human enterprises High efficiencyIt also carries major risks with the explosion of a test prototype of the Starship spacecraft that was launched a few months ago. SpaceX. Considering the rapid growth of this industry and the emergence of many companies dedicated to developing some part of the technology and infrastructure required for it, establishing a company is important. Space Agency By all countries wishing to participate in a new chapter in human research.

In the past decade alone, the aerospace industry has seen incredible growth. Investment funds and billionaire space enthusiasts have invested billions of dollars in startups in the field. This has allowed for great improvements Creation of around 500 new companies All over the world. SpaceX has made it a routine to land rockets after launch and reuse them more than 10 times, but it’s not the only company to have achieved success. Blue Origin has also reached the same milestone relative location An almost fully developed rocket was successfully launched 3D printing. Also company Spanish PLD Aerospace Developing reusable rockets. Although its rockets were not at the forefront of space development, especially compared to American achievements, they were the first reusable rockets developed by a private company in Europe. Their development in Spain, a country with a very brief history in the space industry, is a remarkable achievement.

Logos of different space agencies from different countries. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

This rapid growth of the industry is clearly reflected Number of artificial satellites in orbit around our planet. About 1,000 satellites in 2013 have grown to more than 7,000 today, and the number is increasing every week. And for the first time in history A private company took astronauts into space. In fact, there are three companies that have achieved that, marking the start of a race to make space accessible to more people.

This expansion of the space industry and the growing role of private companies in it makes it important for any country to develop a space agency. An organization like the Space Agency would allow any country to participate to the best of its ability This industry is growing. By having an institution expressly dedicated to these issues, a country can influence the direction this development takes, prioritizing its priorities as a country and ensuring that its interests and those of its citizens are taken into account. A space agency works A platform for integration Any research, development and technological advancement leaves room for innovation within its boundaries.

Although it’s not the first thing that ordinary citizens or even space exploration enthusiasts think of, a space agency can play a very important role. Safety and security issues of a nation. Space has become (and will continue to be) an essential part of the infrastructure needed for telecommunications, navigation, weather forecasting or controlling environmental disasters. A space agency is the first step towards guaranteeing A country’s autonomy in all these matters.

Certainly it enables and encourages scientific inquiry and discovery. In addition to the practical applications of space operation, it allows us to Expand our knowledge of the universe It allows us to live and develop scientific knowledge. Aboard the various space stations orbiting Earth since the Soviet Salyut, countless scientific experiments have been conducted that have made it possible to create materials, discover techniques, and ultimately learn more about all aspects of human society. By promoting all kinds of space travel, a space agency can develop Unparalleled opportunities for technological development of a country, but it can create new ways to inspire and educate its citizens. Not all countries can develop a powerful space program like China, Russia or the United States, but space exploration is not just about sending astronauts into space.

Finally, a space agency facilitates all possibilities International cooperation. Space exploration is a global endeavor that transcends boundaries. More than twenty countries participate in the International Space Station and many missions to explore the solar system are designed through the cooperation of various space agencies. The next chapters of this research will lead to humans living longer on the moon and Settle permanently on MarsUndoubtedly intensive international cooperation will be required. The relationships established during these joint missions would, in principle, promote diplomatic relations between unrelated countries. Cooperation between the United States and Russia allowed a certain calm in their diplomatic relations, which had been very tense in the second half of the 20th century.

In short, the rapid growth of the space industry testifies to the fact that last year was the year with the most rocket launches in history, and the growing role of private agencies is more important than ever to build government agencies. Centrally managed and efficient all space affairs. Spain already created its space agency last year, which recently started its operations.


  • Carissa Price Christensen, 2023. “Every Country Needs a Space Agency,” Nature, Nature, Vol. 617DOI: 10.1038/d41586-023-01470-7
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