Why is December 8 and 9 a holiday in Peru? | Answers

Why is December 8 and 9 a holiday in Peru?  |  Answers

Citizens living within Peruvian territory will receive a new one holiday This December you can take advantage of the time to travel, spend time with family or get ahead with Christmas preparations.

Next December 8 and 9, celebrating two important and symbolic anniversaries in Peru’s history, many employees in Peru will not be working. In this note we explain what is celebrated on those days and why they are relevant.

What is celebrated on December 8?

This Thursday, December 8, is a holiday Immaculate Conception DayA traditional religious festival, it originated in the mid-19th century at the hands of Pope Pius XI.

According to Catholic tradition, the holiday commemorates the birth of the Virgin Mary, who was free from sin and guilt from conception to death.

In various places in Peru, traditional games, patron festivals, processions, masses and first communion and confirmation celebrations are held.

What is celebrated on December 9?

For the first time in the country, this Friday, December 9, has been declared a national holiday. Battle of AyacuchoA major conflict took place in 1824 at Bamba de Quinua in Ayacucho.

The war was included in the land campaigns of the Spanish American Wars of Independence in South America (1809–1826) and consolidated the independence of the Republic of Peru, as well as the definitive end of Spanish subjugation hegemony in South America. . South.

This date was passed last year by Congress under Act No. 31381, which decrees that December 9 is a national holiday, will take effect only for the first time this year.

Will it be a holiday for everyone?

Both December 8 and 9 are national holidays for both the public and private sectors.

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It is worth noting that holidays are defined by law, while non-working days are determined by the government.

Vacations are uncompensated paid breaks. Meanwhile, if you do not work on a non-working day, those hours must be made up later.

What are the holidays in December 2023?

  • December 8 | Immaculate Conception Day
  • December 9 | Battle of Ayacucho
  • December 25 | Christmas

About holidays

days holiday They are days indicated by law (Article 6 of DL No. 713), on which day the worker has the right to rest, and is paid for said rest.

Workers receive a normal wage equivalent to a day’s work, except in direct proportion to the number of days actually worked. labor dayOne day’s wages will be paid unconditionally.

If he Worker If working on holiday without alternative rest, he is entitled to payment of wages for work done with 100% surcharge.

Similarly, the works are not considered to have been done holiday Non-working, when the work shift starts on a working day and ends on a working holiday.

Official Holidays of Peru:

  • New Year (January 1).
  • Thursday and Good Friday (movable).
  • Labor Day (May 1).
  • Saint Peter and Saint Paul (June 29).
  • Peruvian Air Force Day (July 23).
  • National Holidays (July 28 and 29).
  • Saint Rose of Lima (August 30).
  • Battle of Angamos (October 8).
  • All Saints (November 1).
  • Immaculate Conception (December 8).
  • Christmas of the Lord (December 25).


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