Why is Flag Day celebrated in Peru this June 7? Know the history of the anniversary | Answers

Why is Flag Day celebrated in Peru this June 7?  Know the history of the anniversary |  Answers

On June 7, Peru is commemorated Flag DayA date of historical and patriotic significance which commemorates the bravery and determination of heroes during the Battle of Arika in 1880, the title along with other background information on the occasion.

Why is Flag Day celebrated every June 7th in Peru?

Every June 7, Peru commemorates Flag Day to honor the courage and sacrifice shown by Peruvian heroes during the Battle of Arica, a pivotal event in Peru’s history. In this battle, fought on June 7, 1880 as part of the War of the Pacific between Peru and Chile, Chilean forces captured the city of Arica after heavy fighting.

The image of the Peruvian hero Alfonso Ugarte, the leader of the Eighth Division, is particularly remembered on this date. Ugarte, faced with the desperate situation of his army, chose to jump on Moro de Arica to prevent the national flag from falling into Chilean hands, symbolizing patriotic fervor and commitment to the country’s defense.

Flag Day was officially established on April 30, 1924 by President Augusto B. Established by a Supreme Decree issued by Leguia, although similar arrangements were established by previous governments in memory of Peruvian knights. The celebration highlights the determination of Peruvian soldiers who fought to defend their ideals and national sovereignty, reminding the entire nation of the importance of unity and pride in national symbols.

What does June 7th mean to all the masses?

Flag Day is celebrated throughout Peru on June 7, a date commemorating the anniversary of the Battle of Arica in 1880, a historic conflict in which Peruvian troops braved Chilean forces during the War of Peace. This date commemorates the bravery and sacrifice of the men who defended the country and became a symbol of patriotism and love for the nation.

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On this day, Peruvians pay tribute to their national symbol, the flag of Peru, which represents unity, pride and national identity. The red and white flag is a symbol that reminds all citizens of the importance of the country’s struggle for independence and sovereignty. Ceremonies and commemorative activities are carried out throughout the national territory, highlighting schools, public institutions and main squares, where the flag is raised with respect and distinction.

Apart from honoring the flag, Flag Day is an occasion to remember and pay tribute to the heroes of the Battle of Arica, such as Colonel Francisco Bolognesi, who, along with his troops, showed courage and resistance to defend the Moro di. Arika till the end. This act of heroism inspires all Peruvians and teaches them the value of sacrifice and the importance of fighting for the country’s ideals and freedom.

June 7 is not only a date of celebration and tribute, but also an opportunity to reflect on the values ​​of patriotism and unity that unite Peruvians. As the country faces various challenges, remembering the sacrifices of those who gave their lives for the country, keeping alive the memory of its history and the essence of its identity, strengthens the commitment of all citizens to work together for a better Peru. National

What non-working days are recognized by the government in 2024?

At the beginning of the year, through the Executive El Peruano newspaper, Supreme Decree No. Issued 011-2024-PCM, which declares non-compensable working days for public sector employees during the current year. However, compensation must be paid within the next 10 days for the hours stopped or in any case as determined by the immediate employer.

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Meanwhile, those in the private sector may choose to make this arrangement, but there is a contract between the employer and its employees. In this way, both parties must agree on the date on which the hours not worked will be returned, but if there is no agreement, the final decision will be made by the employer. So, here we present the list of non-working days for 2024:

  • Friday, July 26, 2024
  • Monday, October 7, 2024
  • Friday, December 6, 2024
  • Monday, December 23, 2024
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2024
  • Monday, December 30, 2024
  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

What are the new holidays added to the Peruvian calendar?

Here, every new holiday is under Legislative Decree no. We present the reasons why it was decided to be incorporated into the Peruvian calendar established in Article 6 of 713:

  • Peruvian Air Force Day (July 23): In the early morning hours of Friday, June 23, 2023, the Republican Congress approved legislation declaring this date to honor Captain FAP Jose Abelardo Quinones.
  • Arica Battle and Flag Day (June 7): The law was approved by declaring this date as a national holiday and insisting that it be published on June 15 In commemoration of two patriotic years.
  • June’s War (August 6): On July 7, 2022, Congress ratified August 6 should be declared a national holiday in honor of this important event that allowed the consolidation of Peru’s independence.
  • Battle of Ayacucho (December 9): Approved by the closing ceremony meeting on 9th December 2021 Republican Congress to commemorate this significant national event.
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It is important to note that the incorporation of these holidays aims to balance Peruvians’ work and leisure time and promote cultural, patriotic and leisure activities among citizens.


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